News Items


Its 2025 , the year is flying ,and if you are off on a cruise, come and learn some steps,before you hit the dancefloor.If you are worried about other couples, don't be, we will teach you a few steps at a time until you are confident. We guarantee to turn your two left feet into two dancing feet, maybe not on the first night !!!!

Please check the Events page, which show start dates and any cancellations. 

Come and join a Beginners/intermediate class at Elmesthorpe Village Hall on Wednesdays, 7.00pm to 8.00pm,. New classes ongoing,get in touch now!! 

Private Lessons - We run private lessons at Thurlaston village hall on a Tuesday night, 7.00pm to 9.00pm, ring for details.

See class tab for further details of classes.


Social Dances on a Saturday - We run a Social dance at Elmesthorpe Village Hall, Wilkinson lane, Elmesthorpe , on the first Saturday of the month, our next dance is shown on the events page, tea and biscuits supplied, 7.30pm to 10.30pm and as always, everyone is welcome, no tickets required, it is a very welcoming hall with friendly people and good music. If you check the events page our Social dances for the year are listed.

Annual Ball  - We run an annual ball at Elmesthorpe Village Hall on the first Saturday of the year, but for 2025 we cancelled with the weather ,  so june 2025 is now our summer ball,it is a chance to dust off the dinner suits and posh frocks, with a bucks fizz reception then dance to some excellent music. Tickets now on sale ,get in touch.